The Slim Borehole Scanner is an intrinsically safe, slimline, digital camera which captures a 360º colour image of the immediate roof, rib or floor strata of an underground mine, tunnel or rock slope.

The high resolution, three-dimensional image allows for a detailed visual analysis of the lithological and structural characteristics of the rock mass. It provides the client with an objective, reviewable and auditable record of ground conditions.

The SBS is a significant advancement on existing borescope technologies with the device being certified as intrinsically safe in NSW and able to scan hole depths of up to 15m.

A detailed report including logged lithology, defect characteristics and estimated cumulative displacement is provided to the client as a clear and concise geotechnical log. Additional analysis, including the calculation of Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and Fracture Spacing (FS) is also possible, allowing the client to test design assumptions regarding the structural competence of the immediate roof, rib or floor.

The SBS has been used in a range of NSW, QLD and TAS underground coal mines over the past four years. With up to seven 10m deep holes scanned in a single shift, the SBS is a proven cost-effective alternative to underground coring.